Pay Your Debt

Apr 16, 2023    Pastor Duane Butler

Debt free in 2023! Getting debt free takes hard work, discipline, and getting delivered from yourself and people. How can you get debt free? Here are 5 steps to take in your debt freedom journey.

1. Work with what you have (2 Kings 4:2). What little you have in faith is enough.

2. Prepare for a miracle (2 Kings 4:3). Complete a budget. It sets the stage for God to move.

3. Shut the door (2 Kings 4:4). Just say no. You are going to have to say no to people and activities. Don't let distractions keep you in bondage.

4. Let the oil flow (2 Kings 4:6). Stick to the plan and watch the impossible become possible. Set your mind to agree with God; He wants to help you.

5. Pay the debt and live on the rest (2 Kings 4:7). As you pay off your debts, don't put yourself back in bondage by getting back in debt. Live within your means.

Jesus has set us free in every area and in every way. We are no longer slaves, but debt keeps us in bondage. Jesus paid the price for our freedom. Let's live in the freedom He has blessed us with!