Change Your Story

Nov 5, 2023    Pastor Duane Butler

What is our story? What words are we using to tell our stories? Are we telling them from a victim or victor point of view? Often our speech betrays us. We believe the story we have rehearsed and retold again and again but what has God said about us? Are we calling God a liar when our stories don't align with His word. If we change our stories we can change our lives.

4 ways to change our stories:

1. Improve self-talk: What we say about ourselves matters.

2. Speak the Word and stop lying.

3. Stop punishing ourselves for the pain we endured. Continually punishing ourselves for the pain we endured is paying the price twice. Give it to God and stop paying. Jesus has already paid the price in full!

4. Celebrate everything we want repeated. Complaining is the celebration of negative circumstances.