Jesus Calms the Storm

Feb 7, 2021

When a storm comes whipping through Galilee the last place you’d want to be is on the Sea. But that’s exactly where Jesus’ disciples found themselves one night. The wind was so strong that it tossed their little boat this way and that. The rain pounded so hard that the disciples began to fear for their lives. All the while, Jesus slept in the back of the boat – entirely unaware of the raging storm. When the disciples finally woke him, Jesus’ response must have caught them off guard. “Why are you afraid? Is your faith really so small?” Then, he commanded the storm, “Quiet! Be still!” And, just like that, the storm abated and all was calm.

When it’s time to begin, start your morning with worship, using the videos from Cross Kid Nation, and watching the short lesson video with your kids. Finish off with the group activity and discussion provided. You can also follow up throughout the week by utilizing the Discovery Island Parent page, where a home guide will be provided. This guide includes prompts for drawing, journaling, follow up reading and prayer.

Here is a snapshot of the lesson details for this week:

Bible Story: Jesus Calms the Storm
Big Idea: Jesus helps us sail through the “storms” of life without falling into fear.
Memory Verse: “You came near when I called out to you. You said, ‘Do not be afraid.’” Lamentations 3:57 (NIrV)

Are you in the middle of a storm? Take courage. Jesus is right there with you. There is no storm – no circumstance – too difficult for Him to handle. So, give Him your fear and come to Him in faith.