Handling Adversity

Mar 1, 2020    Pastor Duane Butler

Heb 12:1 | Ps 35:11-18 | John 15:18-19 | 1 Pet 5:8 | Ex 23:22 | Ps 35:17 | Jam 4:10 | Luke 9:24 | Heb 12:2 | Rom 8:18


Read Psalm 35 in its entirety. What is your initial reaction to this psalm?

What kinds of adversity have you experienced?

How have you handled adversity in the past?

How can you embrace adversity to get the most out of it instead of running from it?

Why do you think it is easy for us to reject “silver lining” thinking?

We can choose to see things however we like. How can you see adversity differently focusing on the silver lining?

In what areas could you better humble yourself and submit to God?

Negative self-talk is toxic to your self and your relationship with God. In what ways can you change this quickly?

Write three positive statements to yourself that you definitely need to hear.
What role does Jesus play in the adversity you have faced or are currently facing?